Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016



Bencana merupakan suatu kejadian yang tanpa diduga kapan datangnya, dimana dan bagaimana terjadinya. Bencana akam mengancam, mengganggu kehidupan dan penghidupan masyarakat yang disebabkan antara lain oleh faktor alam dan/atau faktor non-alam maupun faktor manusia sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya korban jiwa manusia, kerugian harta benda, kerusakan lingkungan, dampak psikologis, dan lain sebagainya.

Manajemen bencana (Disaster Management) adalah upaya sistematis dan komprehensif untuk menanggulangi semua kejadian bencana secara cepat, tepat dan akurat untuk memperkecil jumlah korban manusia dan kerugian-kerugian lain yang ditimbulkannya.

Setiap peserta pelatihan akan dapat mengetahui, memahami/mengerti dan/atau melaksanakan :

1. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Manajemen Pengendalian Rugi (Basic Principles of Loss Control
    Management) yang terkait dengan bencana.

2. Konsep, tahapan dan elemen-elemen Sistem Manajemen Bencana (Pra-Bencana ; Saat
    Kejadian Bencana ; Pasca-Bencana).

3. Identifikasi Jenis Bencana, Penilaian & Pengendalian Risiko Bencana (Disaster
    Identification & Risk Assessment & Risk Control).

4. Manajemen/Pedoman Penanganan/Penanggulangan berbagai jenis bencana, antara lain
    seperti gempa bumi, tsunami, kebakaran, ledakan pipa minyak/gas, banjir, tanah longsor.

1. Pengenalan Peraturan Perundangan Pemerintah RI tentang Penanganan/
    Penanggulangan Bencana di Indonesia.

2. Pengenalan Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Manajemen Pengendalian Rugi yang terkait dengan

3. Pendahuluan (Pengertian/Tujuan/Asas/Konsep/Tahapan Manajemen Bencana ; Jenis-
    Jenis Bencana. & Penyebabnya).

4. Proses Manajemen Bencana :
    4.1 Pra-Bencana (Kesiapsiagaan ; Peringatan Dini ; Mitigasi Bencana).
    4.2 Saat Kejadian Bencana (Tanggap Darurat ; Penanggulangan Bencana).
    4.3 Pasca Bencana (Rehabilitasi/Recovery ; Rekonstruksi).

5. Elemen-Elemen Sistem Manajemen Bencana dari berbagai Institusi Nasional &
    Internasional (Policy ; Disaster Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control ; Initial
    Planning ; Organization, Resources ; Roles & Responsibility ; Communication/Information
    Management System/Reporting System ; Training & Drills ; Audit & Inspection,
    Investigation, etc).

6. Manajemen/Pedoman Penanganan/Penanggulangan Berbagai Bencana :
    6.1 Gempa Bumi.
    6.2 Kebakaran (kebakaran hutan, kebakaran gedung bertingkat, dll)..
    6.3 Banjir.
    6.4 Kebocoran/Semburan/Ledakan pipa minyak atau gas bumi skala besar.
    6.5 Letusan/Erupsi gunung berapi
    6.6 Tsunami.
    6.7 Tanah longsor.
    6.8 Angin topan
    6.9 Kecelakaan transportasi barang/bahan kimia berbahaya/BBM.
    6.10 Bencana industri (ledakan didalam pabrik, tumpahan/bocoran Bahan Berbahaya & 
        Beracun/B3, kebakaran instalasi penting/tangki minyak/BBM, dan lain sebagainya).

7. Proses Pengembangan Manajemen Bencana (Langkah-langkah pengembangan, faktor        
    keberhasilan & kelemahan Manajemen Bencana).

8. Studi Kasus & Latihan Menyusun Sistem Manajemen Bencana.

Ceramah/presentasi, diskusi, studi kasus & latihan-latihan menyusun Sistem Manajemen Bencana termasuk Rencana Tanggap Darurat.

DURASI PELATIHAN : 3 (Tiga) Hari, mulai jam 08:00 sampai dengan 16:00 WIB

Para Pengawas/Foreman/Supervisor/Team Leader, Superintendent, Manager dari berbagai Bagian/Departemen/Divisi, antara lain Operation/Drilling/Production, Maintenance, Security, Medical, HSE/K3LH, Public Relations/Humas, Engineering, Services, Utilities, HRD, Logistics/Transportation/Materials -Warehouse.

Ir. Didi Sugandi, Bc.M dan Team/Partner. Pengalaman kerja 43 tahun di 6 Oil/Gas/Geothermal Company (Stanvac, Huffco/Vico, KBC, Sumitomo, Gulf Resources, Caltex/Chevron Pacific Indonesia) dan 2 BUMN (Sucofindo & Surveyor Indonesia) diberbagai departemen (Drilling & W0/WS, Production, HSE/K3LH, HRD). Pengalaman 24 tahun sebagai HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) Specialist/Consultant/Auditor/Trainer (SCAT).

HARGA : Rp, 6.250.000

WAKTU : 6 - 8 SEPTEMBER 2016


1. Modul Training : soft & hard copy
2. Sertifikat
3. ATK: Blocknote dan Ballpoint
4. Souvenir : T-Shirt dan Ransel
5. Ruang Training dengan fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
6. Makan siang dan 2 kali coffeebreak selama training
7. Instruktur yang berqualified

Silahkan Refly Untuk Mengisi,
Formulir Pendaftaran :

Nama : ...........................

Perusahaan : ...................

Alamat : ........................

Telp / HP : .....................

Email : .........................

Ukuran T-Shirt : ...................

Apabila membutuhkan PROPOSAL dari kami untuk mengajukan atau ada pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami. DENGAN SENANG HATI KAMI AKAN MEMBANTU.

Salam Training:
Telepon : 022 8780 2424 - 022 8200 2557
Mobile  : 081222075239
Email   : training@iforbit.co.id
website : www.iforbit.co.id
Kantor  : Jalan Setiabudhi No 131 -134 Bandung
@2016 - Proses Tidak Akan Menghianati Hasil.

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016



Evaluasi di setiap program pelatihan menjadi indikator penting apakah pelatihan yang dilaksanakan sebuah perusahaan dikategorikan berhasil atau gagal. Evaluasi ini terkait dengan sejumlah investasi yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan oleh perusahaan untuk mengirimkan karyawannya dalam pelatihan itu. Tentunya ini akan berdampak pada kontribusi peserta setelah pelatihan apakah nantinya memberikan nilai guna ke perusahaan itu sendiri.

Evaluasi terhadap suatu Training adalah suatu kegiatan penting dalam mengukur keberhasilan program Training, yang berdampak langsung terhadap kinerja dan produktivitas di perusahaan. Dengan evaluasi kita dapat melakukan beberapa penyesuaian program sekaligus melakukan perbaikan dan inovasi dalam proses pengembangan dan peningkatan efektivitas Training. Training ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada para peserta tentang bagaimana melakukan evaluasi Training yang benar.

Pelatihan ini sangat tepat diikuti oleh Manajer HRD atau Manajer Training dan Pengembangan; Supervisor Training dan Pengembangan;Staf unit Training.

1. Human Capital Development
2. Tahapan Program Training
3. Langkah-langkah Training
4. Fungsi & Tujuan Evaluasi
5. Rancangan evaluasi program
6. Langkah-langkah Evaluasi Training
7. Metode Evaluasi & Pengukuran Training
8. Evaluasi Training 4 Level dari Kirkpatrick
9. Membuat Soal Pre-test Dan Post-test
10. Evaluasi Training Dengan ROI (Level 5)
11. Menerapkan Evaluasi Pasca Training
12. Hambatan-hambatan Dalam Evaluasi Training
13. Langkah – Langkah Memperbaiki Suatu Program Training
14. Praktek Membuat Evaluasi Training level 1 s/d 4
15. Praktek Membuat Laporan Evaluasi Diklat

METODE TRAINING : Presentation; Discussion; Case Study; Evaluation;

INSTRUKTUR : DR. Achmad Fadjar, SE, MM.Ak. and Team

WAKTU : 7 - 9 September 2016


HARGA : Rp, 7.250.000

1. Modul Training : soft & hard copy
2. Sertifikat
3. ATK: Blocknote dan Ballpoint
4. Souvenir : T-Shirt dan Ransel
5. Ruang Training dengan fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
6. Makan siang dan 2 kali coffeebreak selama training
7. Instruktur yang berqualified

Silahkan Refly Untuk Mengisi,
Formulir Pendaftaran :

Nama : ...........................

Perusahaan : ...................

Alamat : ........................

Telp / HP : .....................

Email : .........................

Ukuran T-Shirt : ...................

Apabila membutuhkan PROPOSAL dari kami untuk mengajukan atau ada pertanyaan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami. DENGAN SENANG HATI KAMI AKAN MEMBANTU.

Salam hangat,
Telepon : 022 - 8780 2424 / 022 - 8200 2557
Mobile   : 081222075239
Website : www.iforbit.co.id

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2016


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Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

Matematics is alien

Do aliens exist? The evidence is varied across time and across the globe. But mathematicians who study aliens always impress me. These are individuals who firmly stand on the pillar of logical reasoning- mathematics, that is. And yet, they are considering one of the most contested ideas of humankind… Are we alone?

Mathematicians (along with a lot of other really smart people) sometimes appear crazy. Their ideas are too advanced and so, as Arthur C. Clark once coined, the ideas indistinguishable from magic. And everyone knows that magic doesn’t exist.  You can’t make something move without touching it. Except… my garage door opens every day and I’ve never touched that thing! Honestly, I enjoy viewing the world as though every scientific thing is actually magical. A new line of code that makes my life simpler? Magic! Internal combustion engines? Magic! Hot Water?!  You get the idea.

Alien_1But while I love attributing scientific advances to magic, I don’t enjoy attributing non-scientifically proven theories (or magic) as science. Unlike the scientists who founded the Jet Propulsion laboratory (as told by this Cracked Podcast), who believed in and cast spells on a regular basis, I don’t actually believe in magic. And similarly, I don’t actually believe in aliens. Not seriously anyways. Not until it’s proven.

And while all the green alien paraphernalia in Area 51 cannot convince me, mathematics might… Woodruff Sullivan and Adam Frank recently published a paper summarized in the NY Times article, “Yes, There Have Been Aliens,” which described how mathematics show that intelligent life probably existed in our universe at some point. It employs the Drake Equation which is basically the multiplication of a bunch of different probabilities. Let’s take a quick look at the details of that equation:

N=R_* \cdot f_p \cdot n_e \cdot f_l \cdot f_c \cdot L


R_* \; = rate of star formation. (known)
f_p \; = fraction of stars that have habitable planets (current research)
n_e \; = number of planets/star that has habitable planets (current research)
f_l \; = fraction that develop life (unknown)
f_c = fraction of life that is intelligent (unknown)
L = length of time to release communications (we could make a guess)
For a while f_p and n_e were expected to be the limiting factor(s) in this equation. However, as scientists discover more and more stars and planets, it seems this f_p is very close to 1 and n_e at least 1. At this point, the biggest unknown is the probability that life is formed and the probability that this life is intelligent.


The authors plug in some values into the equation to get a sense of what the values of f_l and f_c would need to be to make intelligent life unlikely.  This is kind of like saying: “If I know how many lottery tickets are winners, how many are printed, how many people play and how many tickets each player buys, then I can tell you the likelihood that you’ll win the lottery.”  In this case, the authors are say, “I can tell you the likelihood that someone won the lottery at some point in history.”  And, certainly the chances of someone winning the lottery over the entire history of the lottery’s existence are higher than the chances of me winning the lottery. (and if you want to know more about winning the lottery and how to game this system, check out Planet Money‘s episode on the subject.)

So, Sullivan and Frank are trying to show the limiting values of f_l \cdot f_c. Historically, the probability of getting a civilization on a habitable planet was pessimistically considered at one in 10 billion per planet. Sullivan and Frank show that unless f_l \cdot f_c is less than one in 10 billion trillion, life is likely to have existed. This means that even if you take the pessimistic number of 1/10 billion, then 1 trillion civilizations existed across the universe. Magic!

Before I close this inquiry into alien life, I have to point out the counter argument. The Atlantic recently posted a rebuttal article. The core of the rebuttal is that while 1/10 billion was seen as pessimistic, we don’t have any idea what the real number is.  Like, 1/10 billion trillion is really small, but it’s possible that we are the only planet with humans on it. This argument is factual, we don’t actually know the value of f_l \cdot f_c…

But, wouldn’t it be cool if we did? Or maybe we should be willing to believe (in the face of scientific argument) that f_l \cdot f_c could be large enough to make intelligent life probable. Or maybe not?  I guess it depends what kind of mathematician you are.  Are you willing to believe that magic is just science we haven’t solidified yet? Or are you a mathematician who believes is magic worthless until the moment when it is definitively proved and can be reproduced ad nauseam?

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016



This course introduces networks, communication busses, and protocols used in industrial applications. Participants will be able to discuss strengths and weaknesses of each communications solution and pick the most appropriate for given applications.

After completing this training program, participants should be able to understand the configuration and lay-out of PLC system on the network LAN setting. OPC/DDE Technology, HMI implementation, Plant to office data integration, industrial data base and man others.

1. Introduction to PLC Integrated to LAN
2. PLC
3. Network Principles
4. Protocol TCP/IP
5. Configuration of PLC
6. PLC Programming
7. Introduction to HMI
8. Wonderware InTouch
9. Wonderware I/O server
10. Real-time Database and Report Generation
11. Industrial SQL
12. Connection of Office Application
13. PLC Web Based Design
14. Comprehensive Practice
15. Interactive Discussion

1. Tutorial
2. Discussion
3. Practice


1. PLC
2. Software Simulator
3. Miniature Plant
4. HMI Panel

INSTRUKTUR : Tim Instruktur dari Politeknik Negeri Bandung (POLBAN) yang sudah berpengalaman mengajar di bidang kompetensi terkait

TEMPAT : Grand Setiabudhi Bandung
WAKTU : 23 - 26 Agustus 2016

HARGA : Rp. 8.000.000

1. Modul Training Full Colour
2. Flasdisc
3. Sertifikat
4. Tas Laptop Exclusive
5. T-Shirt
6. Note books and Ballpoint
7. Photo bersama
8. 2 x coffe break and 1 x lunch selama pelatihan
9. Informasi Penginapan

Salam Training :
Telepon : 022 8780 2424 - 022 8200 2557
Mobile : 081222075239
Email : irlansyah@iforbit.com
website : www.iforbit.co.id
Kantor : Jalan Setiabudhi No 105 E Bandung

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2016

Work at Home

What it Means to be a Work at Home Professional

Featured image: Copyright: Image by StockUnlimited
Working from the comfort of your home and being able to work at your own pace are just some of the benefits of the work at home professional. Trust me .. there’s a whole lot more!Some may like the fact that there is no boss or other coworkers constantly breathing down your neck to get things done. While this may be a benefit to some, your clients are still “your boss” and keeping them apprised of your tasks, schedule and any issues, roadblocks, and suggestions are part of what it means to be a virtual assistant. Losing the presence of “the boss” is only beneficial is you are extremely disciplined and are able to keep yourself motivated.Here are 6 strategies that you should implement into your daily routine to make sure you are on task, transparent and motivated.Set goalsAll large corporations have an ultimate vision for their company. Just because you are a solopreneur does not mean you should not apply goal setting to your small business. Set small goals that will eventually translate into larger long term goals. Giving yourself deadlines for these goals and working towards them on a daily basis will ensure that the reward of achieving your ultimate goals are met in the future. Remember to use S.M.A.R.T. goals:S SpecificM MeasurableA AttainableR RelevantT Time-basedMake a to-do list every dayI often ask my SCOREclients, “Would you go on a road trip across the country, to destinations unknown, without a map (or Google Maps)?” They laugh and say, “Of course not.” Why would you not map out your day, then? Tasks are your map on your business journey. [Click to Tweet]Making a list and working toward the items every day is a way to achieve these smaller goals, one day at a time. When you make this list first thing in the morning and work on the items throughout the day, this will keep you productive. Consider a tool like Asanato track everything in both your business and personal life. For the solopreneur, that’s a blurred line anyway!Stay positivePrepare yourself for any setbacks and do not let them discourage you, understand these things happen. Do not get upset; instead, try to figure out ways to fix the problem and how you can prevent them in the future. Your goals and your to-do list may need to be tweaked, and this is normal, they will still help you keep on track.Learn from your failures and keep moving forward.Stay organizedHaving an organized workspace is a must. Not only will you misplace things when your workspace is cluttered, you will also lose time. Work on your goals and to-do lists, one item at a time, this keeps you productive. Eliminate multi-tasking from your day-to-day operations.Keep it professionalYou may be working at home on your couch in your pajamas (which I don’t recommend .. ever), but do not let this reflect in your work. Use professional phone and email etiquette when corresponding with your clients, and they will be none the wiser that you have not gotten dressed yet. Also. nice business cards and a polished website add a professional touch to your at home business.Have fun!The happier you are, the more productive you will be. Happiness is contagious; this will bring you more clients. No one wants to hire someone who hates their job, be passionate about what you do. After all, you have the best job in the world; let this reflect in the work you produce.Following these simple steps may not seem like much, but will help you tremendously in the long run. After a while, they will become natural and part of your everyday routine.About Out of the Office Virtual Assistance:Since 2006, Out of the Office has offered ideas and ways to increase your productivity, decrease your workload, and work more efficiently. We nurture a successful business relationship, while continuing to grow as your business partner. We are focused on streamlining your administration, social media planning and execution, content writing and offering creative solutions for your business success.